How to Help an Overheated Dog - Sit Means Sit Dog Training

How to Help an Overheated Dog

How to Help an Overheated Dog

Dogs are intolerant of too much heat. So, it is crucial that you’re aware of the signs of heat stress or heat stroke, and how to treat your dog if they start to occur.

If an animal experiences heatstroke, you may notice hyperventilation, excessive panting, dry gums that become pale, increased salivation, rapid pulse, confusion, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and possibly rectal bleeding. If overheating continues, his breathing efforts will become slow, or worse, absent. This can result in a seizure or coma.

Make sure your pet has a shaded, breeze place to rest, away from direct sunlight. Always provide plenty of water and don’t push your pup too hard when playing outside.

Treatment For Overheating

  1. Watch for signs of overheating! Once you notice these signs, move your pet to a cooler area immediately.
  2. Use a rectal thermometer to take your dog’s temperature. A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Moderate heating usually happens at 103 to 106 degrees. Severe heating occurs beyond 106 degrees.
  3. To reduce your dog’s temperature, put cool wet towels over his neck, under his armpits, and between his hind legs.
  4. Give your dog fresh cool drinking water. If your dog refuses to drink, try wetting his tongue with the water instead.
  5. Finally, bring your overheated pooch to the vet. Call ahead so they can be prepared for your dog’s treatment. Your pet may receive oxygen and some fluids.

Do you have any tips on how to keep your dog cool in the summer sun? We would love to hear from you.