Blog - Page 2 of 3 - Sit Means Sit College Station

The Best Christmas Costumes for Canines

As you start trying to get into the Christmas spirit, you may put up a Christmas tree, go see Christmas lights or make holiday treats. But what are you doing to include your dog in this season? A great way to include Fido in the Christmas festivities is to dress them up as an emblem… Read More

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The Best Thanksgiving-Themed Dog Toys

It’s Thanksgiving and you know what that means! It’s time to gather around the dinner table with the people you love, eat some yummy food, and be thankful. But, while you are enjoying your dinner, what is your dog going to be doing? Get your pup in the holiday spirit with one of these Thanksgiving-themed… Read More

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How to Keep Your Dog Out of the Halloween Candy

When Halloween rolls around and suddenly your home is full of candy and treats, it can be hard to know what to do with all of it. Even more, with all the new sweet smells in the house, it can be even harder to find ways to keep your pooch away from it. It may… Read More

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Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

When humans are looking to get more protein in their diets, they often turn to eggs to fill in those gaps. But when your dog starts looking at you with those cute puppy dog eyes begging for a bite of your breakfast, it’s almost impossible to say no. And good news! You don’t have to!… Read More

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The Best Couch Covers for Dog Owners

Let’s face it. No matter how many times you say you aren’t going to let your pup on the couch, they flash you their super cute puppy dog eyes and you totally cave. But you had the best intentions! You paid a lot for your couch and you want to keep it looking nice. How… Read More

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Outdoor Games to Play with Your Dog This Summer

When summer finally rolls around, our first instinct is to get outside! If you have a dog, there are tons of ways to have fun in the sun besides just playing fetch or going on walks. Here are some of our favorite ways to play with your dog in the summer. Swimming Dogs love to… Read More

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Learn More About Agility Training with Fido

Have you ever seen dogs doing agility courses and thought, “Dang, I wish my dog could do that.” Well good news, they totally can! While we most often think of Border Collies or terrier breeds when we think of agility dogs, in reality, any dog can be an agility dog with the right training. Here is… Read More

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Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Dog's Birthday

Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday

Your dog’s birthday or “gotcha day” is all the reason to celebrate! But how can you make your canine companion’s day the special time they deserve? Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate your’s pup’s birthday the right way! Pick Out the Perfect Gift You might spoil your dog on the regular, but… Read More

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Signs of Aggression to Look for in Your Dog

Signs of Aggression to Look for in Your Dog

If your pup starts snapping at you, growling, or biting, they may have issues with behavioral aggression. Aggression in dogs is never ideal as it can quickly get out of control and someone can end up getting hurt. Aggression, while not common in animals unless it’s warranted, often results in having to seek professional help.… Read More

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A Guide to Finding a Pit Bull-Friendly Apartment

As a Pit Bull dog owner, you know how sweet, kind, and charismatic your pooch is. But, unfortunately, some folks just don’t trust Pit Bulls, and this may affect how you are able to find an apartment. While there are tons of dog-friendly apartments out there, not all of them are Pit Bull friendly, which… Read More

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What Does My Dog's Zodiac Sign Mean?

What Does My Dog’s Zodiac Sign Mean?

Every dog and dog breed has a unique personality and quirks. But, do you ever wonder if your pup’s star sign influences their characteristics? Doggie astrology is nothing new to those who follow their zodiac placements, but for those who don’t know much about it, the idea can seem both silly and confusing. Astrology depends… Read More

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How Your Dog Can Help You Stay Sober During Dry January

How Your Dog Can Help You Stay Sober During Dry January

Have you heard of “Dry January” and want to give it a shot? Or maybe you just want to start being more conscious about your alcohol consumption or have considered being sober. Studies show that dogs help humans in many areas of their health like increasing exercise levels, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing cholesterol levels,… Read More

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New Texas Law on Dog Restraints

New Texas Law on Dog Restraints

If you are or know a dog-parent in Texas, listen up! Texas has a new law on restraining dogs that could result in a fine of up to $2,000 and a Class B misdemeanor. Read on for more details about the Texas dog restraining laws. Restraint Law A new law from Senate Bill 5 will… Read More

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Dog Health from DNA Testing

Dog Health from DNA Testing

Any dog-owner knows that the day a surprise health diagnosis comes to light is the worst, but is there a way you and your pooch can avoid the out-of-the-blue shock? Canine DNA testing can be helpful in getting to know what conditions your pup can possibly have based on their personal DNA! Some results can… Read More

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Parasites In Dogs

Parasites in Dogs

Dog parents take their furry friend’s health very seriously, which is why hearing your dog has parasites is scary and confusing. So what exactly qualifies as a parasite? Well, parasites are organisms that live on another organism of a different species. The host provides the parasite with nutrients at the expense of themself. Parasites living… Read More

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When Should I Switch My Dog to Adult Dog Food

When Should I Switch My Dog to Adult Dog Food

Your dog deserves high-quality food no matter their age. While they’re puppies, their diet is focused on growth, but as they get older the shift focuses on a healthy weight maintenance. It’s important to know what kind of diet to switch your dog to and when to switch them to adult food. Some vet’s recommend… Read More

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Tips for Caring for a Dog as a College Student

Tips for Caring for a Dog as a College Student

We all know how chaotic and challenging College life can be, and adding a dog into your daily routine is definitely a decision worth pondering. But boy is it worth it! Dogs bring in tons of fun and excitement into our everyday, so why not bring one into College and create a bond for life… Read More

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Items That Will Help Make Your Dog’s Coat Shiny And Healthy

Items That Will Help Make Your Dog’s Coat Shiny And Healthy

As pet parents, we want our pups to feel and look their best! While regular brushing, bathing, and grooming are all essential, some dogs may suffer from skin allergies. WHich makes it more difficult to maintain a shiny coat. Seasonal changes, medical conditions, and diet can all have an effect on your dog’s skin and… Read More

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